Step 1. Zoom/Scroll to the location of the artwork, click add marker and then drag it to exact location of your find.
Step 2. Click on the map to add a maker, click on the marker a popup will appear fill out the details and press save.
Step 3. You will have added your location to streetartlocator! You will be able to view your location instantly on the homepage map.
Zoom/Scroll to the location of the artwork,
click add marker and then drag it to exact location of your find.
Now your maker is in the correct location
click on the marker a popup will appear fill out the details and press save.
Thanks for adding another location to streetartlocator!
You will be able to view your location instantly on the homepage map.
Please check your images are under 1mb before uploading them.
If your image is too large try using an online image editing service like pixlr
Use the scroll on your mouse to zoom in and out of the map.
Zoomed in and lost your marker? Just click anywhere on the map to get a new marker.
No marker will be saved until you click the Add New Location button.
If you want to be able to edit your locations in the future you will need to enter a valid email address.
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